

Does Outdoor LED Lighting Lead to Energy Savings?

Absolutely — 85% Savings and Then Some — Says Large New Global Trial

If you’re a business owner or government official who’s mulling whether to install LED outdoor lighting in your California offices or town, you’re probably worried. You know that LED lighting can look better, last longer, and emit fewer emissions. But will switching to an LED “paradigm” save you energy and money?

Parking lot lightingAccording to an exciting pilot program, Light Savers, the answer is a resounding “yes.”

HSBC, in partnership with the Climate Group, recently ran a two-and-a-half year pilot study on LED street lighting in a dozen cities around the globe. This research found that LED street lights led to cost savings of up to 85% over traditional street lighting technologies.

Savings did range widely — from 18% to 85%. But 20 out of 27 LED lamps yielded savings in excess of 50%; and 10 products led to major savings of 70+% percent. The study was big and intensive. It found that LED bulb lifespans ranged all the way up to 100,000 hours, and LEDs had very low failure rates — 10 times better than traditional ceramic metal halide lights.

In addition, survey respondents said they loved the LED technology. The lights helped them feel safer and see better. 90+% of respondents approved the rollout. Phillips and the Climate Group concluded that “LEDs are ready to be brought to scale in outdoor applications. The independent verifiable results from the Light Savers trial and accompanying public surveys [provide] compelling evidence that many commercially available, outdoor LED products offer high quality light, durability, and significant electricity savings in the range of 50% to 70%.”

Whether you’re a business owner researching decorative lighting poles or a city planner desperate to find a cheaper energy solution for your cash-strapped metropolis, get in touch with our team here at Great Basin Lighting.

We would be more than happy to provide a free, strategic, and thorough consultation about your needs. Please give us a call, or get in touch with us through our website to plan your next steps.