Explosive Growth of Outdoor LED Lighting Market
If you have recently become intrigued by LED lighting in California, you’re far from alone.
The light emitting diode (LED) street lighting market has exploded over the past two years. Costs have dropped by 50+% in some areas. And surveys suggest that we may be witnessing the beginning of a major paradigm shift in how outdoor lighting is done.
A new Pike Research report, for instance, suggests that the LED market will yield over $2 billion in yearly revenue by 2020. In just two years, LEDs will eclipse all other types of street lights, except for high pressure sodium lamps.
This news all sounds promising. But you might be wondering: why hasn’t this outdoor lighting design paradigm “gone viral” yet? After all, we live in Northern California, where consumers and urban planners alike love to be on the cutting edge of new environmental technologies.
So, what gives? How come LED street lamps are not “lighting up” all over Nevada and California?
Experts believe there may not be sufficient incentive for many towns (and businesses) to upgrade their current outdoor lights. The reasons for this are complicated, and they have to do with tariff structures and local political constraints and so forth.
These experts also believe these constraints are breaking up and that we’re on the cusp of a revolution in public lighting. It won’t be long before we see LED lights on Bay Area roads and freeways, parking lots, and public buildings and stadiums.
As a business owner or municipal planner, you want to plan your outdoor lighting project carefully. You’re concerned about costs. You’re concerned about energy savings. You’re concerned about what sub-projects should be prioritized. You’re concerned about long-term value and usability of the property.
The team here at Great Basin Lighting can answer all of your questions about LED lighting (versus traditional high pressure sodium and other technologies) and help you and your team make intelligent, cost-effective decisions for your project.
Learn more about us here at our website, or connect with us today to find out which (if any) new outdoor lighting solution is right for you.