

LEDs Lighting the Way for UC Davis Hospital

Award-Winning LED Lighting that California Can be Proud to Support


In July of 2014, UC Davis began installing a new exterior lighting system across its campus in order to conserve energy and save money. Eventually, the project expanded to include the UC Davis Hospital as well. This lighting system not only illuminates outdoor walkways and parking lots for the facility, but it also lights the way for the UC Davis Hospital’s emergency vehicles with LED lighting that California can be proud to support.

About the System

The new lighting system consists of CalTrans-approved Traffic Signal Poles as well as 57 dimmable LEDs at the hospital alone. These lights are controlled by motion sensors, which reduce energy use by deactivating the lights when areas are vacant. All installed lights are also connected to a wireless control system that monitors energy usage and issues alerts when lights are in need of maintenance.

Thanks to the success of its LED lighted bollards, the California Lighting Technology Center at UC Davis received a prestigious award from the Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking Campaign. According to UC Davis, winners of this award are saving as much as $4 million per year simply by upgrading to energy-efficient lighting systems.

Great Basin Lighting Will Work With You to Find Your Best Lighting Solutions

Whether you own a Bay Area business or work in technology development for a local municipality, if you’re considering investing in a new lighting paradigm, please reach out to the Great Basin Lighting team for a free consultation about your needs. Call (925) 240-1566 (California office) or (775) 333-0900 (Nevada office) or send us a message right here on our website.