LED Outdoor Area and Street Lighting Forecast for 2014

Municipal LED Street Lighting Projects on the Rise

The LED lighting revolution is in full force. Whether you’re researching municipality street lighting to replace an old, outdated high-pressure sodium (HPS) scheme; or you’re pondering buying LED outdoor lighting for your business plaza to reduce maintenance costs, the forecast looks good.
Independent analyses show that the LED lighting revolution really kicked in during 2012. Why? Historians can debate when/how we crossed the threshold. Many cities around the globe started using LEDs in 2012, and overwhelming data emerged, demonstrating the superiority of LED solutions. All told, in 2012, the world saw over 2 million LED luminaries installed. This surge in the market forced prices down, prompting yet more buying.
Ultimately, this trend will continue – and possibly accelerate – in 2014. In 2012, more than 50% of the outdoor LED market came from streetlight installations. That sector certainly continues to grow. But others sectors – the LED parking garage market, for instance – are taking off like a rocket. China — obviously a capacious market for lighting (and everything else) — is also getting into the LED game. Recent reports of massive pollution in Beijing and other cities in the north have suddenly turned many Chinese bureaucrats into environmental activists. China’s 21 City Program, for instance, will use LEDs to improve municipal lighting. Mexico, India, Taiwan, and other urbanizing countries are also clamoring to use LED technologies to enhance everything from public structures to roadways to parking garages to industrial facilities.
So where does this leave you, your business, or your municipality?
Contact Us With Questions About Your Outdoor LED Lighting
The team here at Great Basin Lighting can help you meet your LED lighting needs, so you can save money, reduce maintenance costs, and increase the usability of your property. Call our Nevada Office at (775) 333-0900 or our California Office at (925) 240-1566, today. You can also email us for a consultation by using our contact form here on our website.